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Home About Blog Can You Use too much Lip Balm?

Can You Use too much Lip Balm?

Posted on 5/20/2016 by Office - Boone DMD
A woman applying a coat of lip balm to her lips.Visiting your dentist regularly can help to make sure that your smile is looking its best, but what do you do to care for the outside of your mouth? Many of us go to great lengths to have healthy and smooth lips, as chapped and peeling skin is both unattractive and painful. Unfortunately, some people go too far when it comes to using lip balm, and the results could be problematic.

Signs that You Might Be Using Too Much Lip Balm

Are you concerned that you might be using too much lip balm? If you think that you might have a problem, ask yourself a few questions:

•  Are you constantly biting your lips?
•  Do you find yourself licking your lips frequently?
•  Are you constantly applying lip balm, but don't feel that your lips ever get hydrated?
•  Do you find yourself constantly thinking about your lips and how dry they feel?

After you take an inventory on your lip balm use habits, consider which balms you're using. A lip balm that contains camphor could be bad news for your lips, as they could strip your lips and make you feel the need to reapply consistently.

You don't need a medicated lip balm - a simple, lubricated option that contains petroleum jelly is enough to keep your lips moist without resulting in excessive exfoliation or buildup of wax.

Breaking the Habit

Like all bad habits, if you find yourself using too much lip balm, you can take steps to change your behavior. One of the first steps is to make sure that your lips feel as hydrated as possible.

If your lips feel dry, don't apply lip balm every time, and try and avoid the urge to bite or lick them. Instead, take a sip of water, as you'll add moisture to your body to keep your skin smooth.

If you do choose to wear lip balm, choose an option that doesn't have a sweet taste, as a bland flavor will make it less likely for you to use the balm in excess.

Please contact us is you have any questions about lip balms effect on your oral health.
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