It is nasty, hits fast, and lingers for days. Most people go from feeling a little tired but otherwise fine, to throwing up in just an hour or two when it hits. If you have experienced Norovirus, then you know how much of a punch this illness can hit with.
Your Teeth Struggle When You Throw Up a Lot
Throwing up exposes your teeth to a very concentrated volume of acid. It can begin to erode your enamel from the second it touches your tooth, and it won't let up until either you are able to get it off of your teeth, or your saliva is able to neutralize the acid.One common mistake many people make after throwing up is running to brush their teeth. This actually can do so much harm that it won't be fixable.
Instead, you want to rinse your mouth out with water and leave your mouth alone for 30 or more minutes. This gives your saliva time to work on neutralizing the acids, and allows your mouth to work on correcting the problem before it gets out of hand.
If you are getting sick, then make sure you care for your teeth during the process, too. They need as much protection as you can give them. Wait to brush for 30-60 minutes after throwing up, and only rinse with water prior to hitting that mark.
If you were sick for an extended period of time, you may want to go in and contact our office once you are finally feeling better to make sure that your teeth didn't sustain any lasting damage.