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Home About Blog What Stress Does to Your Oral Health

What Stress Does to Your Oral Health

Posted on 2/10/2018 by Office - Boone DMD
Stress Boones Landing Dental Center OR 97070-7845Stress can do a lot to the body and when it is not under control, you will notice many of the negative side effects that take place.

This is mostly because the stress is causing the body a lot of havoc that would not otherwise happen if the person was relaxed, did what they had to do and ensured that they kept a calm, collected attitude throughout the entire transaction.

With this being said, it is important to think about the oral health that you have and whether or not your stress is harming it.

Stress and Your Oral Health

Stress, of course, can cause problems with your overall health. However, did you know that it can also cause your teeth problems, too?

Grinding and clenching the teeth can be caused by stress that comes with everyday life. Not only that, but when the person does either of these things, they may not notice they are doing them.

They are trying to release the tension they are under. In addition to this, stress also causes the person to smoke if they are a smoker, which is extremely bad for the teeth. This can also reduce the amount that the person eats, reducing the nutrition that they have.

Since there are many ways that stress can impact a person, it is important that the person learn how to deal with the stress that they are under so that they do not worry about problems with their oral or overall health because of the problems they are having.

Speak with us here if you have further questions regarding your oral health or if you want to learn more. We can provide you with even more information so that you can feel much more confident being able to smile without the every day, normal stress you have been under. Yoga is a great way to reduce it!
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