Corrective surgery is a treatment procedure that aims to improve the functionality of the jaw. This may include teeth or jaw misalignment or uneven jaw growth. Jaw problems can interfere with your day-to-day tasks, making your life difficult. For instance, jaw misalignment can cause issues such as abnormal speaking, biting, and chewing problems. If you want to restore the normal functionality of your jaw, corrective surgery is a good solution. Continue reading and learn more about corrective jaw surgery.
What Are Some Of The Reasons Why You May Need To Consider Corrective Jaw Surgery?
The reasons to consider corrective jaw surgery varies from one person to another. From aesthetic issues to severe disorders, corrective surgery can result in improvements. Some of the common reasons to consider this procedure include:
Fix certain disorders
Jaw disorders such as temporomandibular joint dysfunction or Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) can cause pain, wear and tear, difficulty breathing, or improper bites. Luckily, corrective jaw surgery has shown improvement for patients with such disorders.
Improve the functionality of the jaw
Having jaw issues that interfere with the normal functioning of the mouth is an experience that no one would wish to encounter. It can affect your eating habits, which can interfere with your overall health. But the good thing is that corrective jaw surgery will help to improve your jaw functionality.
Improve appearance
Other jaw issues such as chin deformities or protruding jaw can lower your self-esteem. If you want to enhance your overall facial appearance, corrective jaw surgery is an effective solution.
What to Expect During Corrective Jaw Surgery
This procedure starts with an in-depth consultation with your dentist. Your specialist wants to understand your main goal and the health concerns the issue causes. To create a proper treatment plan, the dentist will perform tests such as X-rays, teeth impressions, and teeth scanning. A date is then scheduled to align the teeth and the jawbones. Your dentist will perform this procedure in a health care facility for 2-3 days. After the first weeks of the surgery, you may experience facial swelling. But within 4-5 weeks, you'll feel more comfortable and look normal.
Do you experience issues caused by the misalignment of teeth and jaws? Corrective jaw surgery is an effective solution to this. It helps to improve jaw joint function, speech, breathing, and facial aesthetics.